You need to protect your investment by making sure you are building on you own property. A mislocated fence, driveway or carport can cause legal problems and extra construction costs. Before you build, let a licensed land surveyor determine your property boundaries, replacing missing stakes if necessary. Allowing a surveyor to mark the location of your building on site before construction begins will also ensure that you meet setback requirements and other restrictions enforced by the municipality in their zoning laws. Failure to comply with zoning By-Laws could result in the loss of a future sale if the purchasers have an up-to-date survey done. Mortgage lenders generally do not advance money until zoning law infringements are cleared up.
“The quality of their work is excellent and they have been responsive to schedule deadlines. They also have the depth in staffing that allows us to contract for services and complete the work in response to tough client demands. I would highly recommend Garcia Surveyors.” — G. Simon, P.E. - Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd.